The Hot-dip Al-Zn Coated Steel Precautions While Using

2020年8月31日 作者 powerson metal
The Hot-dip Al-Zn Coated Steel Precautions While Using

Precautions while using

  • The roof made out of the hot-dip Al-Zn coated steel requires a slope to help drainage and to alleviate corrosion.
  • Use trimmed plate rather than the plate to be cut plate at job site.
  • While the steel plate is piled and prexessed, its finger-print proof film should be protected from getting black due to dampness and high temper.
  • The hot-dip Al-Zn coated steel plate should have no direct contactwith foundation concrete, wet wood, steel, lead and graphite.
  • If the hot-dip Al-Zn coated steel is used for foaming and bonding application, then, small-lot test is needed for the initial use,in order to prevent the poor bonding.
  • If the hot-dip Al-Zn coated steel need to be cleaned,we do not suggest to be cleaned with ethanol. If must to be used, small-lot is needed for the initial use, in order to prevent the damage of the coating.